A new way of paying your thinkmoney account fee
27th Jul 2016
As you know, later this year we are going to be bringing you a new, even better thinkmoney.
In response to your feedback, one of the changes we are making is to improve the way that we charge your thinkmoney account fee.
At present, your thinkmoney account fee is taken from the first of your incomes each month that moves to your card. This means that the fee can sometimes be taken from different incomes and at different times each month - for example it may be taken from cash you have paid into your account for a specific reason.
Moving to a fixed fee date
In future, we’ll collect it on the same date each month. You won’t be able to change the date of your fee, but we will budget money in your salaries account to ensure that it is covered.
We’ll be in touch nearer the time to let you know when this will take effect and to let you know your new fee date.
More details on upcoming changes...
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