thinkbanking's name change: your questions answered
18th Sep 2012

On 17th September thinkbanking changed its name to thinkmoney. This name change had no effect at all on the way your account runs day to day and you don’t need to do anything.
What does this change mean to me? Do I need to do anything differently?
Your account will continue to operate exactly as before. The only change that you’ll notice is the new name and our new web address www.thinkmoney.co.uk.
Why have you changed your name?
This is part of our plan to broaden the range of products and services we offer, all under the thinkmoney name. As and when we introduce new products and services we’ll keep you informed and let you know if we feel they are suitable for you.
What products and services are you going to offer?
Our vision is to offer customers a range of personal and managed accounts, together with loans, credit cards, insurance and mortgages.
Are any of the contact details changing?
No. The telephone number you use to call remains 08444 155155 and our text services (BAL, TRANS, TRANC, CHANGE) are available via 81122 or 07786 200077 as normal.
Do I need to let my employer know / change any Direct Debit details?
No. Your sort code and account number have not changed so any regular payments you currently make from your account, as well as any wages or benefits you pay in will continue as normal. You do not need to change any of these. This name change does not affect the way your account runs day to day and you don’t need to do anything.
If my card still says thinkbanking, is it going to stop working?
No. Keep using your existing card as normal, it will continue to work in the usual way. When it nears its expiry date we will send you a new thinkmoney Debit MasterCard® with the new logo. Your MasterCard SecureCode details remain unchanged as well.
I use your online account management service, has that changed?
Yes. You'll now find your online account at www.thinkmoney.co.uk. For a short period if you visit the old website you’ll automatically be redirected to the new site to get you used to the new address and give you a chance to update any bookmarks you have saved. On the site the only change you will see is the new logo. All of your log in details will be exactly the same as they were before, and you will still have access to the same great features.
Can I still pay cash and cheques into my account in the same way as before?
Absolutely. You can still pay cash and cheques in at any branch of RBS or NatWest. If you have a paying in book you can continue to use that until it’s finished and then we will send you a new one.
Does this affect how quickly I can access any money paid into my account?
No. None of the timescales have changed. You can still access your money as quickly as you could before, in all the same ways you could before.
Will my monthly statements be any different?
The information on your statement relating to your account and your transactions will still appear exactly as it did before. The only change you will notice is that our new name, thinkmoney, will replace thinkbanking.
How does the thinkmoney Personal Account differ from a bank account?
The thinkmoney Personal Account is an alternative to a bank account. You receive many of the features you would get with a bank account, such as having your wages and / or benefits paid in directly, setting up Direct Debits and standing orders, and spending your money in shops and online using the thinkmoney Debit MasterCard. But in addition, the Personal Account helps you budget throughout the month, making sure you have the right amount put aside to budget for your bills and the right amount available on your card to spend.
Your money is stored in a trust account dedicated to you which is ring fenced and separate from any other monies, and always there when you need it.
Your Personal Account will continue to have the same clear and transparent monthly fee and you won’t get any penalty charges for “bounced” payments.
Have you been bought out by another company?
No. We remain part of the Think Money Group of companies. The name change reflects our plan to broaden the range of products and services we offer, all under the thinkmoney name.
Are you part of RBS?
No. thinkmoney is an independent company and is not part of RBS, we are part of the Think Money Group. However, we continue to work with RBS and money held in thinkmoney accounts is held in trust in your name by RBS.
If you’re not a bank will my money be safe with you?
Yes. Your money is stored in a trust account dedicated to you which is ring fenced and separate from any other monies. These accounts are held with RBS.
What is eMoney and what does it mean now thinkmoney is regulated as an eMoney provider?
The Financial Services Authority, the UK’s financial regulator, has approved Think Money Ltd as a provider of eMoney. This means we are approved under the Electronic Money Regulations which set out how firms that move “electronic” money around (rather than physical notes and coins) should behave. Being authorised under the Electronic Money Regulations will allow thinkmoney to offer a wider range of products in the future. You can find more details on the FSA’s website here: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/about/what/international/emoney.
In practice, our new regulatory status will have no impact on how you manage your account day to day, and you need do nothing. We have written to notify you of this as we are proud to have received this authorisation.
I recently made a complaint to thinkbanking. Do I need to raise that again with you?
No. Any outstanding complaints made while we were known as thinkbanking will still get resolved, in the same timeframe, even though we've changed our name to thinkmoney.
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